10 Things I Love Vol. 2

My ten things of love and joy for this week:

  1. I love eating blackberries right off the vine. Sweet, tart, sticky, and stainy. Nothing is better than fruit picked off the vine and popped into my mouth!
  2. I love having a post office box. I’ve always been paranoid about people finding out where I live. Now I can have mail sent to me from all over without anyone knowing my physical address.
  3. I love that Francesca and Harley curl into balls and bookend me in the morning waiting for me to get up and let them out. All that furry goodness and calm kitty sleep energy makes it difficult to get up most times, though!
  4. I love that Wolf always tries to cheer me up when I’m down.
  5. I love watching the garden grow.
  6. I love tea.
  7. I love being barefoot.
  8. I love when it’s warm but not hot.
  9. I love writing ritual, even if I’m really new and squeaky at it.
  10. I love participating in ritual especially now that Wolf writes and participates with me.
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2 Responses to 10 Things I Love Vol. 2

  1. peppylady says:

    Great list and I decided to from now on put something I’m thankful, that give me joy or something that positive that happen to me.

  2. Howling Hill says:

    Thanks peppy.

    It’s good to focus on the good I think. We focus on the bad too often.

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