Back on Track

Last week Wolf and I were in Maine for our yearly vacation. Being there totally re-centered me. And this year I actually took a swim in the ocean. Twice!

Upon coming back I started putting much more effort into finding work here in NH so I don’t have to travel to Boston. Also, Wolf and I started seriously looking at houses in Manchester and Concord. The reason for the desire to live in sub/urban areas is because we want public transportation as we want to get rid of one of our cars.

This weekend we’re supposed to dig up all the weeds in the garden and plant fall hardy veggies like spinach, etc. Hurricane Irene is making us change our plans slightly.

That’s about it. Last night I had a long post in mind but I forgot it. Damn.

This entry was posted in Gardenin', Grindstone, Movin', Saving Our Glorious Earth, Traveling Woman, Weatha. Bookmark the permalink.

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